A nice review of my “Uilleann Classic” iPad app by Dion

Here’s a nice review of my Uilleann Classic app by Dion:

“This has to be the best app I have ever owned! I play it daily and when I’m away I miss it!

Beautiful sampled sounds of the Uilleann Irish Pipes, which invoke some savored, long lost dream into reality with such poignancy. Think Braveheart and Riverdance with a richness all its own.

This app plays the heart strings of my soul and I can’t praise it enough. It’s genius!

The app allows you to make delicate inflections within the tune being played, such is the versatility within the programming and moreover, is in keeping with and has an affinity to the Uilleann Pipes themselves, allowing for great individual interpretation of personal style and technique, recognized within all Irish Music. This app gives the player scope for individuality.

The sounds are lush and diverse, plug-in your headphones and you’re in a Cathedral. Your “air” taking flight into the lofty eaves. Or transport to a village hall for a “jig” and a “reel”!

I have to say, I have spent countless hours playing this brilliant app and not one of them wasted!

Thank you,

